Spring is certainly warming up and the stage of the Small World Centre is hot with activity.
This Saturday, ‘Garden of Eden’ brings some of the city’s finest Persian and Indian musicians to our room. The concert features our old friend Soley Vaseghi on vocals, Javad Bathaie on santur, tabla player Sirishkumar Manji and Siavash Kaveh on kamancheh. This intimate night of songs and improvisation is presented by Windcatcher Production and Rumi Canada.
Next Thursday it’s Bulgarian and Turkish music via Montreal and Toronto. Ihtimanska is a creative duo of Ariane Morin on saxophone and accordionist Yoni Kaston, who make unique, colourful, uplifting sounds. Their recently released 2nd album “Yüz Yüze” featured Brenna MacCrimmon as a special guest and the singer will join them on stage as well as performing an opening set with Judeo-Spanish storyteller Ariel Balevi. Watch their showcase at the 5th Vitrine des Musiques Locales Métissées two years before their record release.
The following evening, we stay in the Middle East as Rob Simms and Kianoush Khalilian present ‘Radif to Maqam’. With Persian ney, tanbur and Turkish ney, the two explore the common and contrasting grounds between the neighbouring traditions of Persian radif and Turkish maqam. Kianoush has performed in Iran, Canada and across Europe, and has won awards for his teaching. Rob Simms is a multi-instrumentalist and professor of music at York University.
Capping a busy week June 9th is a party vibe to celebrate the Tich Maredza Band‘s 10th Anniversary! Through thick and thin, the band has persevered and prospered over the past decade, operating as a laboratory for the fusion of traditional Southern African Styles with the global sounds of today. Ruben Esguerra, who has played percussion with them since the early days may join!
If you’re in the mood for Portuguese rock music, GNR return to Toronto June 15th for their first performance in 27 years as a feature presentation of the 31st Annual Portugal Week Festival.
Ihtimanska with Special Guests Brenna MacCrimmon & Ariel Balevi
> Special evening of music and storytelling
Thursday, June 7, 8:00pm, Small World Music Centre
The Tich Maredza Band
> 10th Anniversary Concert
Saturday, June 9, 8:00pm, Small World Music Centre
GNR Live in Toronto
> Presented by Portugal Week 2018
Friday, June 15, 8:00pm, Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Mohsen Namjoo & Faraulla
> Presented by Link Music Lab
Saturday, June 16, 7:00pm, St. Andrew’s Church
Small World Music supports our community partners and family of world music artists performing around the greater Toronto area. Visit the Small World Music site to learn more about all the great events happening in the city.
Support Small World
Small World Music Society is a charitable organization and presenter of culturally diverse music, supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Toronto Arts Council, as well as community and corporate partners.