Happy Summer! We’re excited to announce what promises to be one of this summer’s hottest tickets – the Toronto debut of Mbongwana Star!
On Wednesday July 19th at The Great Hall, one of the most exhilarating acts to have come out of the African scene in some years brings the new sound of Kinshasa to Small World. It comes smack dab between the two biggest African music events of the summer – Afrofest and Habari, both of whom are partners on this show, alongside Wavelength – making for a perfect Afro-music Toronto trifecta!
Creators of the freshest sound to hit the African music scene in years, their first CD ‘From Kinshasa’, was named one of 2015’s albums of the year in by the Guardian, Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. Formed from the ashes of the legendary Staff Benda Bilili, they mix punk attitude and spacey electronics with frantic rhythms and weaving soukous guitar lines, to seriously mess with preconceptions of what African music is/can/should be. It frequently sounds as if it arrived from another planet – thrillingly difficult to pin down to a time and place. Take their single ‘Kala‘ as an example.
Watch Mbongwana Star – ‘Kala‘
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Mbongwana Star
> The futuristic sound of Kinshasa hits Toronto!
Wednesday, July 19th 9pm – The Great Hall
Community Spotlight
Stop Famine in South Sudan
> Performances by Kiki-Jiko, Amanie & Lauren Margaret Marron
Thursday, June 22nd 8:00pm – Small World Music Centre
Pandit Anindo Chatterjee Tabla Solo
> One of India’s foremost tabla masters
Friday, June 30th 8pm – Small World Music Centre
Bokanté / Larnell Lewis Band
> Multi-lingual, multi-cultural & multi-generational ensemble
Friday, June 30th 9pm – The Concert Hall
Community Events
Small World Music supports our community partners and family of world music artists performing around the greater Toronto area. Visit the Small World Music site to learn more about all the great events happening in the city.
Support Small World
Small World Music Society is a charitable organization and presenter of culturally diverse music, supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Toronto Arts Council, as well as community and corporate partners.