That was some night at Koerner Hall last Friday with Youssou N’Dour. Tremendous seeing him back in town after so many years. Another intriguing event coming up there on December 4th with Routes of Andalucia, a family-friendly journey into the magic musical realm of ancient Spain.
On Sunday, guitarist and singer Marcio Faraco brings his quartet to Lula Lounge for an evening of Brazilian sounds, melding the language of the samba, bossa nova and choro in his evocative songs. We have a pair of FREE tickets for the first person to respond to laura@smallworldmusic.com!
This weekend, a compelling dance work is presented by runs at Harbourfront Centre. Sunya features four dancers, three musicians and a visual artist experiment here, guided by choreographer Roger Sinha and composer Kiya Tabassian of Montreal ensemble Constantinople.
Coming up at the Markham Theatre, the Bollywood Masala Orchestra brings a spectacular night of Indian music, dance and culture. More on that soon!

Sinha Danse and Constantinople present Sunya
Thursday November 19th until Saturday November 21st, 8pm – Fleck Dance Theatre
Community Events
Small World Music supports our community partners and family of world music artists performing around the greater Toronto area. Visit the Small World Music site to learn more about all the great events happening in the city.
Support Small World
Small World Music Society is a charitable organization and presenter of culturally diverse music, supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Toronto Arts Council, as well as community and corporate partners.