Jan 29, 2025
Baobá is a quartet formed by some of Toronto’s top female percussionists and musicians who take traditional beats to the next level. Empowered by the natural musicality that flows from their South American bodies, Anita Graciano, Y Josephine, Mari Palhares and Giovanna Galuppo representing Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil respectively, demonstrate a great mix. This mix of people complement each other with the perfect balance of voice, melody and instrumentation. When the group started in 2015 the dynamic was clear. The members brought their different knowledge of drumming rhythms from various backgrounds, and with the newest addition to the band, the bass played by Giovanna, experimented and created new innovative sounds. Since the very beginning, Anita, Y and Mari, planted the Baobá seed way back on the common grounds of friendship and continuous arts making.
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Saturday September 19th, |
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM |