Going Global


Monday , February 22nd , 2021
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Everywhere , Online
Going Global, will be a part of Spotlight Showcases at Folk Unlocked! Along with the International Indigenous Music Summit, Lulaworld, Centre des Musiciens du Monde, and Harbourfront Centre, we will present pre-recorded performances by some of our favourite artists at Folk Alliance International’s online conference: Al Qahwa, Zal Sissokho's Kora Flamenca, Beny Esguerra and New Tradition Music, and G.R. Gritt on Monday, February 22 between 6:30pm and 7:30pm EST.

Folk Unlocked includes over 800 hours of performances from established and emerging artists from Feb 22-25. If you want to enjoy Going Global performances and discover many other great artists, get your tickets now (PWYC option available).

Upcoming Events

Monday, February 22,
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM