Vid Ingelevics

Photography, Single-Channel Film/video
To be screened as part of Expanding Cinema: Expo 67 Reconstructions and Other Finds – Program III
See full program here:

Project Description:
Vid Ingelevic’s project, Between Dome and Home uses the life of retired Boston-based engineer, Wesley Foote, as its inspiration. The film contrasts Foote’s own documentation of his experience at working in Montreal in the lead-up to Expo 67 with accounts of home life in Montreal from his wife, Linda Foote and children. Supported by Linda and Wesley Foote, and Ryerson University, this project explores the dualities at play during this much-lauded era of innovation.

Vid Ingelevics is a Toronto-based visual artist, writer, independent curator and educator. He is currently teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels in the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University, Toronto. His artwork has followed several key threads related to the representation of the past, the nature of archives and museums and our experience of urbanity. His projects have been exhibited in group and solo exhibitions at institutions and events such as: Presentation House, Vancouver; the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg; the Power Plant, Toronto; the Contact Photography Festival, Toronto; Le Mois de la Photo, Montreal; the Goethe Institute, Toronto and Los Angeles, US; the Photographers Gallery, London, UK; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, UK; Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, Netherlands and the Fotomuseum Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland amongst others. Current projects include: a long-term collaboration with artist Blake Fitzpatrick that attempts to address the absence of a history or histories of the post-1989 Berlin Wall in North America and in Berlin itself; and, locally, a photographic study of the proliferation and situation of cell towers in the city of Toronto.