Waterfront Toronto – Future Cities Talks


Reserve your ticket at: https://infuturetalks.eventbrite.ca

Hosted by Waterfront Toronto’s CEO William Fleissig, this series of talks will challenge culture-makers and urbanists to reimagine what it means to be a city builder. On the closing afternoon of the in/future festival, we’ll gather leading voices who will present radical new ideas for building future communities.

Introduction by

Eb Zeidler (Zeidler Partnership Architects) and Margie Zeidler (Urbanspace Property Group) discuss the utopian design of leisure spaces like Ontario Place and shared work spaces like 401 Richmond, and how both projects have changed the face of our City in the past 40 years.

Talks by

Vass Bednar (Martin Prosperity Institute) discusses the problem with the term community and its implications for governance and policy-making.

Lisa Tziona Switkin (James Corner Field Operations) discusses creating a new ecological aesthetic that envisions new forms of urban nature that are transformative, performative and showcase both natural and engineered beauty.

Karen Carter (Myseum of Toronto) discusses embracing the unknown as a revolutionary stance for knitting together a collective identity for an increasingly diverse city.

Susan Blight (Ogimaa Mikana) discusses the City of Toronto as a utopian experiment to restore Indigeneity, build solidarities, and decolonize our cities.

Katerina Cizek (MIT Open Documentary Lab) on the city as open web and on becoming urban citizens rather than consumers.